Ο Αδόλφος Χίτλερ επιθυμούσε το Ράιχ να διατηρηθεί τουλάχιστον 1.000 χρόνια και φυσικά κατά τη διάρκειά τους αυτοί που θα περνούσαν καλά ήταν μόνο τα μέλη της Άριας Φυλής.

Όπως αναφέρει η «Daily Mail», μετά την κατάκτηση της εξουσίας το 1933 ο Χίτλερ φρόντισε να ελέγξει κάθε πλευρά της καθημερινής ζωής των Γερμανών. Σε μικρό χρονικό διάστημα κάθε παιδί θα έπρεπε να είναι μέλος της Νεολαίας του Χίτλερ ή της Λίγκας Γερμανίδων, μαθαίνοντας ακόμη και πώς να πολεμούν.

Αρκετοί ήταν οι Γερμανοί που δήλωσαν -αφού κατέρρευσε το Ράιχ – ότι αναγκάστηκαν να το πράξουν. Σαφώς, όμως, υπήρξαν και αρκετοί που ήταν πρόθυμοι και απόλυτα πιστοί στο όραμα του Χίτλερ.

These women belonged to the League of German Girls - the female wing of the Hitler Youth. The women were indoctrinated in Nazi philosophy and their main aim in life was to become a mother and rear perfect children to secure the future of the 1,000-year Reich. By 1939 all young girls had to become members of the group as long as they were 'racially pure' 

Η Λίγκα των Γερμανίδων σε… γυμναστικές επιδείξεις

From 1935, all young men, aged between 18 and 25 had to complete six months training with the Reich's Labour Service - which was essentially a form of military training. Those involved were employed on major public infrastructure projects where they received pocket money - but no pay. Works completed by the labour service included the new autobahns

Από το 1935 όλοι οι νέοι Γερμανοί όφειλαν να εκπαιδευτούν στρατιωτικά για διάστημα έξι μηνών

The Hitler Youth was established in 1925 and its membership was 108,000 by the end of 1932. However, the passing of the Hitler Youth Act in 1936 made it incredibly difficult for children to avoid joining the organisation, with parents suffering at work. Unsurprisingly, by 1939, membership was 8 million where the children were indoctrinated into Nazi party 

Η Νεολαία του Χίτλερ δημιουργήθηκε το 1925

German children were indoctrinated on a daily basis and forced to raise their arms and chant 'Heil Hitler'. Teachers were forced to join the Nazi Party or face suspicion that they were opposed to the regime 

Υποχρεωτική ανύψωση των χεριών στον γνωστό ναζιστικό χαιρετισμό για τους νεαρούς μαθητές

These children are being evacuated from Berlin in 1940 over fears they would be killed in bombing raids by the RAF. The Nazis initially evacuated children from Berlin and Hamburg, but as the war continued, other areas were also evacuated. In some cases mothers with young children were also evacuated so they would remain safe from the intensive bombing 

Χαρούμενη έξοδος από το Βερολίνο

Members of the League of German Girls, pictured, received political indoctrination but did not receive any academic training as the regime saw their primary purpose as becoming mothers to create Hitler's idea of a 'master race' 

Οι νεαρές Γερμανίδες δεν λάμβαναν κάποιο πτυχίο καθώς σκοπός της ζωής τους ήταν να… φέρουν στον κόσμο τους νέους Άριους

These young children are buying a frozen ice cream from a street vendor in Berlin in 1934

Μία ανέμελη καθημερινότητα στο Βερολίνο του 1945

These Hitler Youth boys wearing gas masks in 1933 are being indoctrinated into the Nazi Party. The Hitler Youth's main focus was dramatically expanding the size of the army, teaching youngsters how to shoot, march, and read a map - all skills which are needed by soldiers - however, by late 1944 and early 1945 Hitler Youth was involved in the defence of Berlin

Μικρά παιδιά σε… εκπαίδευση

These children are part of the Lebensborn Program - where parents deemed to be racially pure - were selected to create the 'master race' of blond hair, blue eyed children to form the backbone of the thousand year Reich. The scheme was developed by Heinrich Himmler and saw 8,000 children born in Germany and a further 12,000 in Norway in special maternity units 

Μωρά γεννημένα υπό το Πρόγραμμα Lebensborn, βάσει του οποίου οι γονείς θα πρέπει να είναι «καθαροί» φυλετικά

The Hitler Youth spent a great deal of time camping as it was seen as a great preparation for military life, as well as giving the boys many of the skills required for soldiering and developing a fanatical loyalty to the regime and Adolf Hitler 

Κάμπινγκ για τη Νεολαία Χίτλερ

These two SA men are attaching a sign to the front of this Jewish-owned store in Berlin on April 1, 1933 - less than three months after Hitler came to power - urging people to boycott the shop because of the religion of its owners 

Ανδρες των SS τοποθετούν προειδοποιητική πινακίδα στη βιτρίνα καταστήματος που ανήκει σε Εβραίο